Wednesday 1 June 2011

Welcome to Valor Reviews :)

It has always been a small dream of mine to write for a well known and respected video game publication such as IGN or Nintendo Power.  One day, I will meet all of the requirements to make that dream come true for myself.  In the mean time, I plan on doing the next best thing with Valor Reviews!

This blog will eventually become packed with all sorts of info and rants on all things video game or movie related.  Obviously it wont be as extensive as something you would read on IGN or as professional but I will try my very best to make it entertaining at least :)

I will tend to reference a lot of what I have read when it comes to news, so I will not be able to take 100% credit for what is posted to this blog so I am merely passing any news on to you.  However I always have my own personal opinions on any bits of news I hear, so you can look out for those which will be typed using a Green colored font.  As for reviews, I will only review what I have played personally so rest assured that my reviews are 100% personal opinion!  If you don't agree with them, well..... perfect! Comment with how you feel about the review in question!  Just be ready for a little debate >: )

Another thing about the reviews: Each review will be followed by a list of stats!  These can include small things like: The amount of time I have invested in the game and whether or not I have played the game from start to finish (or if there is no ending, how far I have reached).  And of course, no review would be complete without a score! So every review will conclude with a percentage rating with 0% being the lowest and %1000 being the highest.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I will enjoy typing it!

Happy gaming.

-Jonathan Valor